Охота на Носорога

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21 охотничий тур от 7 аутфиттеров начиная от$5,950

21 охота
$5,950 Минимальная цена
1 страна
8139mi До ближайшего тура

Где охотиться на Носорога

Two species of Rhino are found in Africa, these being the Square-lipped Rhino more commonly known as the White Rhino and the Hook-lipped Rhino, known as the Black Rhino. Formerly, the White Rhino was divided into two subspecies, the Southern race and the Northern race which occurred in East Africa and is now extinct. Likewise, Black Rhino were divided into four subspecies with the West African species also declared extinct in 2011. Black and White Rhino may only be hunted in South Africa and Namibia.

Распределение цен

Many outfitters offer Rhino hunts but if they are listed as “Price on Request”, you will not find these hunts listed on BookYourHunt as we only work with fixed price trophy fees. Prices for a Rhino hunt are exorbitantly high with the odd Black Rhino fetching millions of dollars on auction. Due to the expenses involved in such a hunt, an alternative “Vita Dart” hunt is being offered as an alternative to a conventional hunt. This is the practice of darting a Rhino with a vitamin cocktail, and the “trophy” is accepted for the Safari Club record book. Prices for 7-day dart hunts for the more common White Rhino range from $8500 to $15,000 for a Black Rhino darting experience. White Rhino trophy fees range from $77,000 for a 20-24” Rhino to $142,000 for a 27-30”.

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When to hunt Rhino?

The best time to hunt Rhino is early in the morning and late evening when these animals are busy grazing in the case of White rhino or browsing if a black Rhino. They are very active at night and normally lay up during the heat of the day under a nice shady tree in the case of a Black Rhino in a thicket. The winter months and especially a dry spring period are good months to hunt Rhinos when food is scarce or the grass and trees are just starting to sprout.


Способы охоты Все способы охоты (8)

In some instances, you may be able to drive around and look for the Rhino you intend to hunt before approaching on foot. Traditionally, this hunt was done on foot using trackers to follow the Rhino’s tracks but today in most areas the Outfitters have the Rhinos patterned out. In many cases, you will be looking for a known specific non-breeding bull, for instance, which may take some time and that is why most hunts are a minimum of seven days. Keep searching and thou shalt find.

Why hunt Rhino?

Rhinos are now worth more dead than alive due to the value of their horns on the black market. Poaching is pushing this species to the brink of extinction again and it will unfortunately not be long before Rhino hunting may be banned by CITES. Also, due to the poaching problem many Rhino owners have sold their Rhinos or dehorned their remaining stock so if you are after a trophy, these hunts could become scarce in the near future. Rhinos make interesting shoulder mounts and only replica horns should be kept for display as the demand for the real horns on the black market has created a massive security risk with some people already paying with their lives.

7- Day Hippo Hunt

7- Day Hippo Hunt

Квазулу-Натал, Южно-Африканская Республика
Носорог, Павиан, Полосатый мангуст, Гну белохвостый, Шакал чепрачный...
Длительность тура: 7 дней
Season: 1 февр. 2024 - 30 нояб. 2024
Цена от
за 7 дней, 1 охотник
6 Day Buffalo, Roan & Rhino Dart (2x1)

6 Day Buffalo, Roan & Rhino Dart (2x1)

10 1 отзыв
Северо-Капская провинция, Южно-Африканская Республика
Носорог, Буйвол африканский, Роан
Длительность тура: 8 дней
Season: 1 февр. 2024 - 30 нояб. 2024
Цена пакетного тура
за 8 дней, 1 охотник
7 Day 5 Species Diamond Package (2x1)

7 Day 5 Species Diamond Package (2x1)

10 1 отзыв
Северо-Капская провинция, Южно-Африканская Республика
Носорог, Буйвол африканский, Иланд капский, Роан, Соболь
Длительность тура: 9 дней
Season: 1 февр. 2024 - 30 нояб. 2024
Цена пакетного тура
за 9 дней, 1 охотник

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