Defassa Waterbuck hunting

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9 hunting trips from 3 outfitters starting from $35,000

9 hunts
$35,000 starting from
3 countries
5996mi to the nearest trip

Where to hunt Defassa Waterbuck

A water dependent species never found far from permanent water. This large antelope is widely distributed throughout sub-Saharan Africa. All thirteen subspecies are primarily grouped into two species, the Common Waterbuck found in Southern and East Africa and the Defassa Waterbuck found in Western and Central Africa. The Defassa Waterbuck is available for hunting in Tanzania, Ethiopia, Burkina Faso, Cameroon and northern Zambia.

Price distribution

Defassa Waterbuck hunts start at $31,500 for a 10 day hunt in Tanzania which includes the trophy fees for a Buffalo. In Tanzania the daily rates range from $ 2,500 - 3,800 depending on the length of the hunt, with a trophy fee of $ 2,000. A 21-26 day safari in Ethiopia will cost $1,840-1,995 per day with a trophy fee of $1,000. These longer hunts are more costly as they are often designed to include some of the iconic species, like Lion and Leopard.

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When to hunt Defassa Waterbuck?

Defassa Waterbuck may only be hunted during the respective countries hunting seasons or in Ethiopia the dryer months as there is no fixed season but the best time to hunt is October to June. The Tanzanian hunting season is from July 1 until December 31. The best months for hunting Defassa Waterbuck are the dry months, especially when water availability is limited.


Hunting methods

Due to the water dependency, Defassa Waterbuck are generally hunted along river banks, floodplains, around water points and they also favour the adjoining dry hilly country. Typically, the spot and stalk method of hunting is used to approach these animals. They may also give themselves away when walking in rocky country as they are very heavy on their hooves, often kicking stones as they move. When caught out along a riverbed they will flee for the nearest treeline for cover. They are not affected by the heat of the day like most animals that need shade from the midday sun and can therefore be found at any time of the day. Trophy males may be found sunning themselves on a cold winter’s morning and in summer can spend the whole day hidden in a shady spot. In some instances the bulls may be very aggressive towards each other so only one bull is likely to be found in a herd, so keep moving and keep looking once the animals have been disturbed. We recommend the use of a heavy grain bullet and beware, these animals may even charge when wounded.

Why hunt Defassa Waterbuck?

Defassa Waterbuck are hairy thick set animals, pretty much resembling a large bulked-up mule deer, making them look like they belong in a colder climate. Their hollow hair on their necks give them a shaggy look. This hair is covered with a foul smelling oil which makes them both waterproof and gives them extra buoyancy when swimming. For this very reason, always ensure that the fur does not touch the flesh when skinning. The oily hide will taint the meat which contrary to popular belief is good to eat. This stately beast with huge half-moon shaped curved horns make for an impressive shoulder mount in any trophy room.

10 Day Buffalo & P. G. (Major permit)

10 Day Buffalo & P. G. (Major permit)

8.7 1 review
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12 Day Lord Derby Eland/Buff/Roan/Lion

12 Day Lord Derby Eland/Buff/Roan/Lion

10 1 review
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for 14 days, 1 hunter
Lowland and Mountain Plains Game Combo

Lowland and Mountain Plains Game Combo

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Trip duration: 26 days
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for 26 days, 1 hunter
Defassa Waterbuck

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