Jagen in Afrika
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Über die Jagd in Afrika
Für den Jäger, der eine Vielzahl von Wildtieren, ein wunderschönes Land, jahrhundertealte Jagdtraditionen und den steigenden Adrenalin im Blut erleben möchte, ist die Jagd in Afrika, das was er sucht. Egal, ob Sie im südlichen Afrika Niederwild jagen oder in der Wildnis Ostafrikas auf Kapbüffel und Elefanten gehen, eine Jagd auf dem afrikanischen Kontinent wird Erinnerungen schaffen, die Sie lebenslang behalten werden. Mehr als ein Dutzend Länder in Afrika bieten Jagd in irgendeiner Form an. Die Länder in südliche Afrika, insbesondere Südafrika, Namibia und Simbabwe, werden von der größten Anzahl von Jägern besucht. Die Jagd in diesen Ländern ist zugänglich und erschwinglich und bietet ein herausragendes Erlebnis. In Ostafrika, insbesondere in Tansania, Äthiopien und Mosambik, gibt es große Wildnisgebiete und eine große Anzahl gefährlicher Wildtiere wie Löwen, Büffel, Leoparden und Elefanten. Safaris in dieser Region entsprechen der Tradition der Luxus-Zelt-Safaris der Mitte des 20. Jahrhunderts. Safaris in West- und Zentralafrika sprechen erfahrene afrikanische Jäger an, die auf der Suche nach sehr herausforderndem Wild wie Bongo und Riesenland sind. Die meisten Jagden in Afrika werden im Safari-Stil durchgeführt, bei denen Jäger in offenen Fahrzeugen auf der Suche nach Wild oder Wildspuren durch das Jagdgebiet fahren. Wenn Wild gesehen wird und/oder Spuren entdeckt werden, pirschen die Jäger manchmal auch viele Stunden. Es gibt einige Ausnahmen, wie die Leopardenjagd, die normalerweise von einem Blind über Köder durchgeführt wird. Mit einer solch großen Vielfalt an Territorium, Ländern und Wildtieren bietet die Jagd in Afrika für jeden etwas.
Let Africa Inspire You and BookYourHunt Make it Reality!
Africa's plentiful and diverse wildlife offers a new adventure whether you're a first time African hunter or a seasoned veteran of many safaris. BookYourHunt has your first safari, or your next safari.
Meet your guides
Danene van der WesthuyzenNamibia• 21 BewertungenExperience the raw beauty and abundance of Africa with us. Our approach to running hunting safaris in Namibia is simple: an emphasis on the longevity of our business and the sustainability of our client relationships matched only by our focus to preserve our amazing natural resources. We have an abundance of self-sustainable game and a host of species including a large variety of plains game. Our concession areas in the northern part of Namibia offer top quality dangerous game hunting.View the outfitter page
Hannes du PlessisNamibia• 10 BewertungenWe own a beautiful Namibian hunting ranch containing 25 different species of African plains game. This Namibian lodge offers you an opportunity to experience a trophy hunting trip, specifically planned around these African game. According to the Namibian Quality Control System, approximately 90% of the hunting trophies taken on this Namibian hunting farm are Gold Medal trophies.View the outfitter page
Richard HerholdtLimpopo, South Africa• 7 BewertungenWe guarantee an unforgettable hunting safari on 17 000 acres of pure African bush. The hunting package is customized to the preferences of the hunter, whether it is by bow or rifle, on foot or from a vehicle or helicopter. The exclusivity of one hunter only at any given time is guaranteed. A qualified professional hunter and tracker will be provided. Experienced skinners and administrative personnel will provide further support with the trophies. Apart from Buffalo, we also offer trophy Kudu, Impala, Waterbuck, Gemsbuck and Sable.View the outfitter page
Alex ThomsonLimpopo, South AfricaLocated in the Limpopo Province of South Africa, Alex's primary area is 6000 acres and has access to close on 100,000 acres. Specializing in Eland, and offering both plains game and big five hunts, they are in a unique position to offer Bow and Rifle hunting on their areas.View the outfitter page
Howard KnottLimpopo, South Africa• 1 BewertungOne of the first established game ranches in South Africa and has been delivering quality hunting to international clients since 1974. The game ranch has over 55 000 acres of pristine hunting ground in the Great Limpopo Valley, covering large plains with some mountainous and woodland regions. We limit hunting activity to just 40 hunters per year and operate on an exclusive basis only. We are a family run organisation that takes great pride in the relationship between wildlife conservation and ethical trophy hunting. Most of our clients are repeat clients, which is testimony to the standard of our facilities, customer service and trophy quality.View the outfitter page
Hannes GouwsLimpopo, South Africa• 18 BewertungenWe have been involved with game, hunting and farming for over 15 years. We focus on giving guys the story that goes with the hunt. It's not about the number of animals hunted, but about the quality of the hunt, and the company that goes with it. We do traditional bow hunting, walk and stalk hunts, dangerous game hunts but also pushing into new areas. Training and teaching clients how to hunt the African way. We also offer on long-range hunting which is a huge passion of ours and our favorite way to hunt. Your safari is about the people, the experience and about family.View the outfitter page
Raquel RegueraCameroonLet us introduce you to two kinds of truly African hunts: forest and savannah. Since 1997, we have been offering outstanding hunts in four safari camps in Cameroon. Our savannah areas are located in the North of Cameroon, between the National Parks Boubandjida and La Benoue. You can expect to run out of a sudden into the famous Lord Derby Eland as well as a herd of elephants, western roans, northwestern buffalos and a lot of different antelopes - species that you can only find in very few countries throughout Africa! We are the biggest hunting company in Cameroon with more than one million ha of hunting territory.View the outfitter page
Ernest DyasonLimpopo, South Africa• 6 BewertungenSmall personalised Hunting and touring company, that is owned and operated by Marita and Ernest Dyason. Ernest is the No 1 PH and Marita coordinates all logistics first hand. There are no middle men or employees that are entrusted in doing our work, we do it ourselves in order to ensure things are conducted the way and at the level of professionalism we expect ourselves. We are hands on people and are directly involved with each Safari.View the outfitter page
Gerrie and Corne TheronLimpopo, South Africa• 11 BewertungenFor the true sportsman, a safari with us is about more than seeking the highest quality game. It's about escaping the everyday world and rediscovering a new sense of tranquillity. Enjoying the majesty and untamed beauty of nature. Testing your inner strength and rising to the challenges that only big game can offer. For the true sportsman, a safari with us is about more than seeking the highest quality game. It's about escaping the everyday world and rediscovering a new sense of tranquillity. Enjoying the majesty and untamed beauty of nature. Testing your inner strength and rising to the challenges that only big game can offer. To hunt with us visit https://www.bookyourhunt.com/en/outfitters/theron-african-safaris What sets us apart from other adventure safaris is the vast knowledge and experience of our professional hunters, the unmatched quality of our concessions and our attention to detail that ensures you a successful journey that you'll long remember. We have an exclusive 60,000 acre Gauteng hunting area, another 22,000 acre concession in Limpopo Province. In the Free State, the hunting is on different hunting areas ranging between 3,000 and 10,000 acres.View the outfitter page
Dawyn HeferLimpopo, South AfricaThis is an Exclusive Hunting Destination where the team will welcome you with warm and friendly faces, from your arrival to the day you depart. They are dedicated to making every stay unforgettable and will always make sure you feel at home. We offer you an experienced team of Professional Hunters and a tracker that pride themselves on making your hunting safari as memorable, exciting and adrenaline-filled as possible. Your PH is going to be a vital participant in your hunt, which makes their previous experience in the field exceptionally important.View the outfitter page
LouisMpumalanga, South Africa• 11 BewertungenWe are a South African, family owned and managed company operating in Southern Africa (South Africa, Namibia and Mozambique). Our beautiful country has a diverse climate and geography, from high mountains to tropical forests as well as low lying bushveld to the Kalahari desert. Just as diverse are the myriad of game species to choose from, paradise for both the Trophy hunter and Photographer alike.View the outfitter page
De Wet van WykLimpopo, South Africa• 7 BewertungenCome and experience some of the best dangerous and plains game hunting on offer throughout Southern Africa We offer hunting opportunities in South Africa, Mozambique, Namibia and Zambia. Due to the wide range of habitats and countries we hunt, we can offer a complete range of species from all 10 of the tiny 10 all the way up to the dangerous 7, leopard, lion, buffalo, rhino, hippo, crocodile and elephant. We have surrounded ourselves with some of the most skilled and experienced staff in the industry in order to fulfil their quest: “to offer top quality hunting safaris, combined with personalised service and comfortable accommodation”View the outfitter page
Rob BirchEastern Cape, South Africa• 5 BewertungenOur privately owned hunting area is 25 000 Acres in one block with the a Boutique Lodge on site and a further 100 000 Acres of private concessions areas are available within an hour's drive of the preserve. Located in the mountains that form the interface between Valley Bushveld and Karoo veld types, are some of the most varied hunting areas in South Africa - from open Karoo plains to densely wooded mountain valleys with grass topped plateaus.View the outfitter page
Katja MetzgerNamibia• 1 BewertungWe have been owned and family-operated for three generations. We have maintained and expanded our vast hunting areas with a sensible game management programm in place. The area is never over-hunted. This makes it possible for you to have an extraordinary adventure everyday and take trophies that can be world records!View the outfitter page
Jaco van der MerweNamibia• 5 BewertungenBorn out of 12 years of hunting experience, we offer the best plains game, as well as leopard hunts, for both rifle and bow hunters, in Namibia. Our 109 000 acres of privately owned hunting ground presents a spectacular diversity of game, bird species as well as unique and incredible plants. Here you will be able to hunt 16 different plains game species including Leopard and Spotted Hyena.View the outfitter page
Wayne Van Den BerghMatabeleland North, Zimbabwe• 13 BewertungenWithout a doubt we offer the fairest priced hunts especially for Leopard and Elephant, our results and repeat clients speak volumes. Definitely value for your money. We strive to succeed and hunt 24/7 whether it’s a 1x1 or 2x1 or family groups we can accommodate everyone.View the outfitter page
Strauss Jordaan/Wiaan van der LindeNorthern Cape, South Africa• 28 BewertungenWe own and operate some of the very best and largest hunting areas across Africa and have been a leader in the industry since 1982. Our massive and top-quality hunting areas, luxurious camps and lodges and our highly experienced Professional Hunters and friendly Staff will ensure a hunting experience of a lifetime!! We mainly operate in 6 countries namely South Africa, Zambia, Tanzania, Namibia, Zimbabwe & Botswana. It's more than just your biggest trophy, it's your greatest memory!View the outfitter page
Jacques HartzenbergNorthern Cape, South Africa• 1 BewertungWe are one of the leading safari outfitters in Southern Africa. We offer a large selection of dangerous as well as plains game safaris to the most discerning hunter that prefers fair-chase hunts on some of the largest and best managed hunting concessions in Mozambique, Namibia, South Africa and Zimbabwe. Our joint venture is run by a group of reputable, passionate and highly skilled Outfitters and Professional Hunters whose goal is to provide the best possible African safari to each guest. Each of our outfitters has more than a decade’s hunting knowledge and experience, and this is evident in the superbly located world-class camps and safaris that we run.View the outfitter page
Dave and Nikki DavenportEastern Cape, South Africa• 30 BewertungenI am Dave, and I will be your host for your unforgettable African Safari. We will guide you through some of the most amazing Eastern Cape landscape, with large areas for free range Kudu hunting in the Malaria and Bilharzia free, Camdeboo Karoo area. Our hunting areas are completely safe, and no special shots or medication, that you normally wouldn’t need at home, is required. We offer the serious African hunting enthusiast, as well as the novice African hunter, an ALL INCLUSIVE service, from airport pick up, accommodation, food, beverages, 4x4 transport, a qualified guide as well as a tracking team, and finally drop off at the airport.View the outfitter page
Bush TV
A proud 40-year history of ethical, reasonably priced trophy hunting of the highest standard in Namibia has revealed that sustainable utilization of wildlife resources has been a major factor in protecting Namibia's game populations. Even depleted game species, which formerly populated areas of Namibia, have been re-introduced through effective game management based on the principle of conservation through selective hunting.
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