Wolverine hunting

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1 hunting trip from 1 outfitter starting from $32,000

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Where to hunt Wolverine

Wolverine looks like a little bear, but it is actually a member of a weasel family. It is a scavenger, but may also hunt and kill animals up to reindeer in size. It is common in boreal forests, taiga and forest tundra around the Northern Hemisphere, including Scandinavia and Canada, but most wolverine hunting opportunities are to be found in Alaska and Russia.

Price distribution

Wolverine hunting is difficult to organize, due to scarcity of the animals, their intelligence and wariness. Wolverine hunting requires travel into remote wilderness areas, which is typically not cost-efficient if you do it only for a wolverine. Therefore, a wolverine hunt is typically sold as part of a package for hunting of other species. A dedicated wolverine hunt in Russia will cost around $2,000, in Alaska and northern Canada a bit more.

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When to hunt Wolverine?

Wolverine hunting season is usually the same as the general trapping or hunting season for furbearers. It typically starts in October, and may last until January or February. The best time for hunting is usually when the stable snow cover has settled, but the snow is not yet deep enough to impede with the hunter’s movements.


Hunting methods

Wolverine hunting is a difficult business, as any trapper will tell you. Perhaps the most reliable way to harvest a wolverine is by means of a snowmobile, which is legal in some areas. Other methods include hunting over bait, and hunting with dogs. Often, however, wolverine hunting is included in the price of a hunt for another species, and is taken if an opportunity presents itself.

Why hunt Wolverine?

Wolverine is a worthy opponent to any hunter, human or non-human. Its main strength is intelligence, that allows wolverine to both scavenge for food and escape bigger predators such as wolves. Wolverines love to run the trap lines ahead of the trappers and steal the bait and the trapped animals. Angry trappers spread a lot of wolverine stories, some of which are true, and others exaggerated to the level of a graphic novel. Numerous myths and legends fuel up the interest in these species, but a hunter who would want to add a wolverine skin and claws to their trophy room will find that a wolverine may be every bit as difficult to kill as the superhero it shares the name with.

2025 Horseback Moose/Grizzly 1x1

9.5 8 reviews
Alaska, United States
Wolverine, Alaska yukon moose, Grizzly, Wolf
Trip duration: 12 days
Season: 31 Aug 2025 - 24 Sep 2025
Package price
for 12 days, 1 hunter

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