Maral Stag hunting
View 7 hunts View all hunts7 hunting trips from 6 outfitters starting from $6,346
Where to hunt Maral Stag
Maral is the local name for either of the two subspecies of Elk - the Altai Wapiti (Cervus canadensis sibiricus) and the Tian Shan Wapiti (C. c. songaricus) - that inhabit the mountain ranges and boreal forests of Asia. Their distribution covers south-eastern Siberia, parts of China, Mongolia, Kazakhstan and Kyrgyzstan. The best hunting opportunities for Maral are found in Russia and Kazakhstan.
Price distribution
The price for a Maral hunt in Russia may be as low as $2,300 (with $2,000 shooting fee and $100 daily rate for a three-day hunt). However, most hunts that imply a week’s journey into the wilderness are priced between $5,000 and $7,000. The most expensive options are combination hunts for Maral and Ibex, and the opportunities to hunt the Tian Shan variety, which is the biggest Maral of all in body and antler size, in south-eastern Kazakhstan.
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When to hunt Maral Stag?
Historically there are two Maral seasons in Siberia: the spring season for antlers in the velvet (which are highly valued by traditional Chinese medicine), and the fall season for trophy and meat hunts. Most international hunters prefer to hunt the Siberian Wapiti during the rut (or, in the local lingo, “at the roar”). As with the Elk, the rut usually peaks in late September or early October.
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