Red stag trophy hunt
Price from
Price from
with Red deer included
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About this hunt
One of the most exciting fall hunt - Red stag trophy hunt.
(Regular trip)
High Seat
Rifle Hunting
Hunting season: 25 Oct 2025 - 31 Jan 2026
Where you will hunt
More about us
Fence type: Not fenced
Territory size: 126900 ha
Languages spoken by staff: Russian
Operating since: 2000 year
Structure by elevation
Plains: 90%
Hills: 10%
Structure by landscape
Fields/Bush: 70%
Forest: 30%
Entertainment services
Excursions Fishing
Where you will stay
Standard local hotel with basic conveniences.
Facilities: TV Ensuite shower Electricity
How to get there
Upon arrival to the airport you will be met by the representative of the outfitter who will take care of rifle customs formalities and then transfer you to the hunting area.
Nearest airport: Mogilev
Distance from airport: 7 km
Transfer from airport: Yes
Transfer from railway: No
Other information
Gun rental: No
Vaccination required: No
Price Includes
- Accommodation
- Transport on territory
- Guiding by PH
- Hunting license
- Breakfast
- Lunch
- Dinner
- Snacks
- Beverages/soft drinks
- All deposits are non refundable!
- The hunt can be postponed after the preliminary agreement with the outfitter.
Price DOES NOT include
- Transfer from/to airport - 0,35/1 km.
- Alcoholic drinks
- Gratuities
- Gun rental - 1 gun with 10 rounds of ammo - 50 euro.
- Field trophy preparation - 20 euro per 1 deetr trophy.
- Trophy measurement and preparation for shipment - 25 euro/1 trophy.
- Gun permits - 55 euro/1 gun
- Trophy Export Paperwork - 55 euro.
- Interpreter services - 50 euro/1 day.
- Wounded non trophy males - 300 euro.
- Wounded trophy male - 1.000 euro.
- Wounded female - 300 euro.
- Wounded young deer - 150 euro.
Price Includes
- Accommodation
- Transport on territory
- Guiding by PH
- Hunting license
- Breakfast
- Lunch
- Dinner
- Snacks
- Beverages/soft drinks
Price DOES NOT include
- Transfer from/to airport - 0,35/1 km.
- Alcoholic drinks
- Gratuities
- Gun rental - 1 gun with 10 rounds of ammo - 50 euro.
- Field trophy preparation - 20 euro per 1 deetr trophy.
- Trophy measurement and preparation for shipment - 25 euro/1 trophy.
- Gun permits - 55 euro/1 gun
- Trophy Export Paperwork - 55 euro.
- Interpreter services - 50 euro/1 day.
- All deposits are non refundable!
- The hunt can be postponed after the preliminary agreement with the outfitter.
- Wounded non trophy males - 300 euro.
- Wounded trophy male - 1.000 euro.
- Wounded female - 300 euro.
- Wounded young deer - 150 euro.
Final payment
Reviews (1)
Jagd auf starke Elchbullen
Vom Team um Jagdleiter Alexander haben wir 6 Berufsjäger, 1 Dolmetscher, 1 Köchin und den Hausmeister kennengelernt. Sie alle waren hoch motiviert uns den Aufenthalt in dem riesigen Revier um Mogilev sehr angenehm zu gestalten. Der Elchbestand ist hoch und Elche kommen während der Brunft bei gutem Tageslicht in Anblick. Wir konnten zwei Elchbullen mit 8 kg und 12 kg erlegen. Noch stärkere Bullen sind möglich. Wir wurden sehr freundlich und kameradschaftlich behandelt, die aktuelle politische Situation spielte für unseren Aufenthalt keine Rolle. Anreise per Flugzeug nach Vilnius, dann Weiterreise per Bus nach Minsk. Dort wurden wir von Alexander und unserem Dolmetscher abgeholt.
Wer einen westlichen Standard bei der Unterkunft erwartet ist in Belarus falsch. Wem aber einfache, saubere Verhältnisse genügen, ist hier an der richtigen Adresse. Der Bustransfer Vilnius - Minsk dauert in beide Richtungen ca. sechs Stunden, davon 4 Stunden an der Grenze.
Trip on the map
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