Himalayan Ibex hunting

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4 hunting trips from 4 outfitters starting from $14,000

4 hunts
$14,000 starting from
1 country
6954mi to the nearest trip

Where to hunt Himalayan Ibex

Himalayan Ibex, as the name suggests, inhabits the Himalayan mountains, the highest mountain range in the world. Hunting opportunities exist in Pakistan, in perhaps the most remote and wild corners of the country, where the lifestyle of the local communities has changed very little in the last few thousands of years. People who hunted there report that the scary reputation of the area is greatly exaggerated.

Price distribution

Himalayan Ibex hunting offers typically cost about $10,000, depending on the number of days (at least 9 usually), and is usually flat fee based. This makes for some of the most expensive Ibex hunting, however, the money is well-spent, because the funds from the hunts support impoverished local population and protect the nature of the area.

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Learn more from our blog story

A trip to a remote mountain range that is wild enough to host a large population of mountain game, can’t help being an adventure. Especially when modern civilization screws up and leaves the hunter without gear and weapons, at the mercy of local tribes. This story tells how James Reed got out of this tight corner, and what he thinks about the people of Pakistan.

6 Jul 2016 The Watcher

When to hunt Himalayan Ibex?

The hunting season for the Himalayan Ibex runs from October to April, when the animals descend from high altitudes into habitable regions. There’s no consensus as to what part of the season is better, but most hunters prefer the rut, which takes place in November-December.


Hunting methods All hunting methods (4)

Himalayan Ibex hunting is the classical mountain hunt. It starts with getting above the animals and glassing for them, and ends in careful stalk and a long, challenging shot. Occasionally an improvised drive may be undertaken, with the guides pushing the animal to where the hunter is hiding. Most mountains in the country are too steep even for horses, so the hunter should be prepared for considerable physical effort.

Why hunt Himalayan Ibex?

Even the very word “the Himalayas” conjures images of romance, endurance and challenge. Ibex hunting in a different country will be not only an exciting and unusual hunting experience, but often an eye-opener into a different culture, and into the role that modern, regulated hunting plays as a powerful conservation tool. The Himalayas produce impressive Ibex trophies, with long, scimitar-shaped, knobbed horns that may reach well over 4 feet in length, the perfect symbol of the ultimate mountain hunting experience in a rough, primal country.

Himalayan Ibex hunt

Himalayan Ibex hunt

10 1 review
Himalayan ibex
Trip duration: 9 days
Season: 1 Oct 2024 - 30 Apr 2025
Package price
for 9 days, 1 hunter

Himalayan Ibex hunt

Himalayan ibex
Trip duration: 12 days
Season: 1 Oct 2025 - 1 Apr 2026
Package price
for 12 days, 1 hunter
Himalayan Ibex

Himalayan Ibex

Gilgit-Baltistan, Pakistan
Himalayan ibex
Trip duration: 7 days
Season: 1 Dec 2024 - 25 Apr 2025
Package price
for 7 days, 1 hunter
Himalayan Ibex

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