Golden Jackal Hunt -1 Trophy incl.


Price from

Price from

$681 for 4 days, 1 hunter,
with Golden jackal included
US$ 681 *
*This is an approximate price in the selected currency. Actual price of the trip is 630
This price includes:
Daily rate for 4 days
1 hunter
Golden jackal
See full price list Select dates and species
Select dates and other parameters of your hunt and make a reservation.

About this hunt

Hunting is organized in non fenced hunting areas, in the field search - by stalking, and with our professional hunters and quality guides. We offer you a completely new dimension of this hunting.

Guided (Difficult trip)
High Seat Stalking Hunting From a Blind

Hunting season: 1 Jan 2024 - 31 Dec 2024

Where you will hunt


Fence type: Not fenced

Territory size: 24400 ha

Languages spoken by staff: English Italian

Operating since: 2018 year

Structure by elevation

Plains: 60%

Hills: 40%

Structure by landscape

Fields/Bush: 40%

Forest: 10%

Agricultural lands: 50%

Where you will stay

No accommodation provided


There are many hotels near to hunting area. For more Information please do not hesitate to contact the Outfitter.

How to get there

Navigation guidelines

Area is placed between Carpatian mountains, Danube river from east ,and river Pek, and North Kuchaj mountains and Homolje region from west and north,area is near by Djerdap national park, well known wildlife and nature area of eastern Serbia from south east.

Nearest airport: Belgrad

Distance from airport: 124 km

Transfer from airport: No

Transfer from railway: No

Other information

Gun rental: No

Vaccination required: No

More about the hunt... (territory, accommodation, etc) Hide details


Price Includes

  • Transport on territory
  • Guiding by PH


  • In case of cancellation deposit is non refundable

Price DOES NOT include

  • Transfer from/to airport €150/ car
  • Ammunition
  • Gratuities
  • Gun rental
  • Field trophy preparation
  • Trophy measurement
  • Hunting license €20
  • Gun permits €30/1 hunter max 2 guns
  • Insurance
  • Accommodation and meals/ apartment type from €35 daily for 1 person


  • 50% of estimated value of the trophy price

Price Includes

  • Transport on territory
  • Guiding by PH

Price DOES NOT include

  • Transfer from/to airport €150/ car
  • Ammunition
  • Gratuities
  • Gun rental
  • Field trophy preparation
  • Trophy measurement
  • Hunting license €20
  • Gun permits €30/1 hunter max 2 guns
  • Insurance
  • Accommodation and meals/ apartment type from €35 daily for 1 person


  • In case of cancellation deposit is non refundable


  • 50% of estimated value of the trophy price



50% based on daily rate
Deposit deadline: 7 days after booking

Final payment

Paid Onsite

Trip on the map

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