Where to hunt Pigeon
Pigeons are a type of birds that thrive well in agricultural landscapes, wherever they are coupled with available woods or rocks for roosting, from Europe to South America and beyond. Argentina is the most famous destination for high-volume shooting of pigeons and doves, but great hunting opportunities exist also in South Africa and Namibia, as well as the more exotic destinations like Morocco and the island of Mauritius.
Pigeon hunting can be one of the most affordable or one of the most expensive wingshooting experiences, depending on where it happens and what is included. A simple pigeon hunt without lodging or catering will cost around $200-$300 a day, and a trip to Argentina, with all-inclusive stay at a 5 star lodge, and perhaps opportunities to other species like duck and perdiz, will run into thousands.
Erfahren Sie mehr darüber in unserem Blog
Boundless opportunities for hunting pigeons and doves made Argentina one of the most popular hunting destinations in the world. If you are not sure how to handle high-volume shooting, this blog post will give you the best tips from Argentina’s top outfitters and hunters.
15 Juni 2017 How to Survive High-Volume Dove Shooting in Argentina.When to hunt Pigeon?
With the wide distribution of pigeon and its status of an agricultural pest in many areas, opportunities for pigeon hunting exist in every month of the year. The best time for pigeon hunting is usually in the winter, when food availability is more limited and the birds are easier to decoy and (where legal) to bait. Since the most popular destinations for high-volume pigeon hunting are in the Southern Hemisphere, that would be March to August.
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