2024 Fall Bear Hunt

Ontario, Kanada



$2,450 für 6 Tage, 1 Jäger,
with Schwarzbär included
US$ 2,450
This price includes:
Daily rate for 6 days
1 Jäger
See package details Select dates of your trip
Select dates and other parameters of your hunt and make a reservation.

Über diese Jagd

We start baiting black bears one month before the season starts to make sure we attract and hold every bear in the area. A lot of time is spent checking baits and trail cameras to ensure the success of our hunts. We can cater to either gun hunters or bow hunters. The average distance to a bait a gun hunter will have is around 30-40 yards. Bow hunters will be set up 15-20 yards away depending on finding a useable tree/wind direction. We hunt out of ground blinds so due to liability reason, bow hunters are required to being a climber . There are trees already picked up for use at each bait site. The density of bear in this area are some of the highest in Ontario with 40-60 bears per 60 square miles. As provided from a recent survey by our Ministry of Natural Resources. You will be hunting in our bear management area so you will not encounter other hunters from other tourist outfitters. We only take a limited number of people to make sure we are successful in the future as well. So space is limited. Guest are welcome and the cost is $850 a person, includes your meals and accommodations.

Teilweise geführt (Leichte Jagdreise)
Lockjagd (Köder) Büchsenjagd Bogenjagd Flintenjagd Vorderlader Crossbow Hunting

Jagdsaison: 1 Sept. 2024 - 15 Sept. 2024

Success rate

2023 Spring Bear hunt Summary It seemed like yesterday that the fall hunt ended and with a blink of an eye I was back up here again to start the preparations for this years spring hunt. A lot of time was spent up here in the off season catching up on many tasks that had been put on the back burner over the last couple of covid years. As in the past, no two years are alike. It started with very warm spells followed by cold spells, wet and completely dry. The strangest was not having any bugs around till the Thursday before the first group arrived on the Saturday. Normally the bear hunting doesn't get good until the bugs get bad, so I was a little worried to be out in the woods during the third week of May with little to no bugs around. In the past, you would have been attacked by clouds of black flies and mosquitoes. Baits were also not as active as they normal were up until that time. As guests started to arrive, thousands of hungry bugs came out to welcome our new guests which brought me some hope we were going to have a great hunt. We hosted nine hunters the first week. Mark had came a few days early because of prior commitments and had filled his tag the first afternoon out. The rest of the group arrived the next day and everyone was ready to get started the following day. Unfortunately no bears were harvested on their first day. On the second day one was harvested and by the third day things started to pick up and four were tagged that night. We finished the week with six of the nine filling their tag. All of the remaining hunters had seen bears during the week. Life is tough for bow hunters as some really unfortunate things happened to them. Henry watched a nice bear one day for a very long time but was never able to get a shot off. The next day a 300 plus bear came in, he rushed the shot because of the day before and accidentally hit the trigger on the release as he was getting ready and shot under it. The bear had stepped on the arrow as it walked away unsure of what just happened. When he got back to camp, he played the footage he had recorded in front of everyone. It will probably sting for a while and has the bent arrow as a reminder. Todd had a tough week of hunting with his opportunity coming at the end of a week on a very nice bear. Unfortunately he wasn't ready when the bear presented a shot opportunity and when he was ready, the bear sensed something was wrong and left. Alan did not fill his tag but was probably the luckiest hunter of the week due to multiple bear activity on just about everyday he experienced and recorded. Unfortunately the bear we were targeting never showed himself while he was there. We hosted eight hunters the second week and as the week before, things started slow again with no bears harvested the first day. Manny was first to filled his tag on the second day and unfortunately Gino missed. On the third day, four were tagged. We spent the next day looking for one and after about almost three hours, we finally found it. Mark was up next the day. We finished the week six out of eight tagged filled. Chris had seen bears but choose to wait it out for a bigger one and said if he shoots one now he cant come back in the fall. Through and through it was great couple of weeks filled with many fantastic long lasting memories. We are very blessed to have amazing customers who in just a short time with us that become like family that turn into life long friendships. The weather was also very nice but was extremely hot the first week and sunny to cold the second week. We were lucky to make it without having to deal with any rain days because it pouring for 4 days after we finished hunting. Lastly, I would like to thank Tina, Stephanie, Jim and Randy for all the help. You guys all add to the amazing experience that take us to the next level!! 2022 Spring Bear Summary After two years of being closed because of covid, we were back at it for the 2022 Spring season. It was a very dry spring so there was not many bugs around like past years. We hosted 8 people during the first week of the hunt. The first day started out with 2 bears being harvested. First time bear hunter Bobby had a pile of action with numerous bears around him even after he had harvested his bear as well a couple moose and a wolf in different places entertaining our guests. The second day was full of lots of action with 4 bears being harvested and 1 bear being wounded. We looked a little that night but decided to come back the following day. With everyone’s help, we continued to look. We followed the blood trail a very long way until it finally stopped and we spread out. Unfortunately after hours of looking, we could not find it. That night Jason had an encounter with a nice bear but had gotten busted moving. He didn’t realize at the time but there was a bear close by. He reached up to readjust him bow and that’s when they locked eyes. The bear made a sound then took off running. The following day we moved Jason to another tree. A smaller bear was working its way into the bait and he had been watching it as it came in, There was flash of black behind the bait and it was the same bear from the previous day coming in as well. The small bear took off running. Jason patiently waited for the boar get settled in on the bait and made a perfect broadside shot with his bow. The bear didn't go very far. The week was filled with many great memories, lots of first for some hunters and fishermen and life long friendships that have been created. The second week started and exceptions were high that it was going to be a perfect week as the bear activity was very strong with the 2 hunters coming into camp. Unfortunately the weather did a complete 360 from sunny beautiful days to miserable rainy days. It rained during the days and not much at night so the bears become more active at night. With this happening it changed the game plan all together. We were limited to hunting a couple spots that had fully enclosed spots that would keep you dry so you could keep hunting instead of getting completed wet. On the first night one of the guys had seen a bear but being the first night decided to wait. Unfortunately that was the only one seen all week. We had countless trail camera pictures of bears around but we just couldn't be in the right place at the right time. Regardless, we still had a great time with the new friends we made. Looking forward to getting to it again this fall!!! 2021 Spring Bear Summary Due to the covid restrictions, we had a small group of 4 hunters up. we we finished the week with 4/4 harvesting bears. Looking forward to next years hunt!! 2020 Bear Hunt Summary Today would have been the start of our 13th fall bear hunt.. Unfortunately with everything going on and the border closure, things will be extremely quiet at camp this year. I guess the only positive thing I can say is that it’s hard to believe 13 years have already passed since a young 20 year old took over. It all started in 2007 when I went up to a lodge in the area and heard that Ken was selling his bear hunt. I went home and told my mom that “I wanted to buy the business “ and she said “ Ya that seems like a good idea” And just like that with her help the journey began. Little did I know what I was really getting myself into but with the determination that failing was not an option, we were going to make this work. Like any new business we experienced growing pains with lots of ups and downs but we worked through it and tried to provide the best experience possible. Over the years we grew from only accommodating 8 people a week, to up to 18 comfortably and providing full meals plans. As well as constantly reinvesting into better equipment that would make the job easier and the experience better. One thing we didn’t expect was the relationships we would form and build with customers that turned into friends and then into family over the years. We really are so lucky to host some unbelievable people. Last but most important is to the team that help make this company what it is and has become. My mom Tina for doing an unbelievable job providing amazing home cooked meals (she has saved my butt countless times when the hunting has been tough or the weather was miserable), Stephanie for being the best sous-chef, Jim for everything you do from saving me when I’m broke down in the middle of the woods to making guest laugh with unforgettable stories, Mary, Tony, Charlotte, Luch, Matthew, Lucas, Dalton and everyone else for all the help over the years. It really feels like a piece of me is missing by not being up there right now but till then, myself, all the machines and equipment will be waiting patiently till the next hunt begins.. 2019 Fall Bear Hunt Summary The whole month of August was different from previous years in the sense that the weather was absolutely beautiful, with calm sunny days as the norm. You could have counted on one hand the amount of rain days and most of the time it happened at night. There was a large mass of berries but with the lack of rain, most were very tiny. As usual with any years, baiting started out almost 100% of baits getting hit and stayed that way even with different food sources (raspberries, blue berries and black berries, etc) coming and going. The week before the hunt started and I noticed acorns starting to fall but it didn't seem to bother any as the bears were still just as active as before. Checking the long-range forecast, rain and colder temperatures were coming and were going to be with us for the 2 weeks we were running our hunt. The hurricane coming up from the Bahamas ended up bringing rain as well. With the way the baits were going, expectations were super high to have a very successful first day. It didn't play out like that at all. A few of the hunters had seen bears on the first day, one was a 300+ boar but didn’t present a shot opportunity so the bow hunter had to pass, but none were harvested. Trail cameras showed that bears become nocturnal right on the first day of the hunt on most baits. The first bear was harvested on the second day and continued to be super slow with a bear here and there but no real day where we harvested a large number of bears like we had in the past. We did do something that had never been done before in 12 years. We harvested 2 bears in the rain!! The first week came to a close and of the 19 hunters we hosted, 15 of them had shot opportunities and 9 had harvested bears. The second group of 7 arrived and hopes were high as we had a couple nice days before it started to rain again. We did have a full moon and hoped the bears wouldn’t become nocturnal, but some did. One hunter had two bears come in his first night but chose to wait for the much larger boar that was coming in. On the 2nd night and 3rd night one hunter had a sow with 2 cubs come in as well as a different bear. On the 4th night two bears were hit and had to wait until the morning to find them. Unfortunately, both bears were never found. On the last day a bear was harvested and recovered. Of the 7 hunters, 4 had seen bears and 3 had pulled the trigger but we only recovered 1. In 12 years of doing this, this was by far the most difficult year we had ever had. We had tons of day time pictures, but they just did not want to co-operate once we began hunting. The largest bear was 155lbs which was a disappoint due to the march larger bears we had around. In the end, our guest enjoyed themselves and understood things don't always go as planned. I guess that's why they call it hunting and hope for better luck next year. As Murphy's law would have it, the day everyone left, the weather went back to being calm and sunny and had stayed that way for over a week straight. Also a big thank you to Tina, Gary, Charlotte, Jim, Mary and Tony for all the help!! 2019 Spring Bear Hunt Summary This spring started off more difficult then any other with winter hanging on much longer then usual. The snow was very deep, which in turn made it very difficult to get baits out. So instead of being able to drive to most out them, I had to walk the bait in. It’s crazy I know, but I tell people I bait a month before the season starts so I have to stick to my word. Baiting was slow to start with but that was totally expected. Things started to pick up as the hunt neared. As everyone arrived, one thing that was unusual was that the bugs were just starting to come out. Normally they are bad and progressively get worse as the two weeks of the hunt goes on. I have come to learn over the years that the worse the bugs are, the better the bear hunting. It felt like spring was delayed by at least 2 weeks and the leaves were not even out yet. We hosted 9 hunters the 1st week. As with every spring, rain was present, with some days being worse then others, so things were slow as we never have much luck hunting in the rain. The first bear was harvested on the 3rd night and things picked up as the week went on. Of the 9 hunters, 8 had seen bears and 7 had pulled the trigger. Unfortunately 2 were wounded and never found. The biggest bear was 200lb. Our 2nd group arrived and were greeted with nicer weather. The bugs still weren't as bad as they were supposed to be by this point. Unfortunately the guys arrived much later then expected (got turned around at the border because an ATV was covered in mud, so in the middle of the night, they had to go find a car wash to clean it. The agent said there were possibly bugs in the mud and it had to be cleaned off if it was coming into Canada). So to say they were little tired after being up for24 hours was a bit of an understatement but they were going hunting anyways. The 1st bear of the week was harvested on the second day but the rest of the week was uneventful until the last day. The 2nd bear was harvested at 4.30pm and the 3rd one was with minutes of daylight to spare. It’s never over till its over, so you must never give up. We ended up recovering it in the morning. We finished the week 3/3 with the biggest bear just over 200lbs. At this point the bug were out in full force and we were glad to be finished and out of the woods!! 2018 Spring Bear Hunt Summary During the first week of the spring bear hunt, we hosted 9 hunters. On the first day of their hunt, rain made its present felt. I remember dropping off some of the guys and asking the “Guys you brought your rain gear right?” one of the guy s answered with “No, but I’ll be fine”. Literally the second I got back to the truck and loaded up the machine the rain started... It rained hard most of the afternoon. That same guy was waiting to be picked up in the middle of the road shaking uncontrollably. Needless to say he will never forget his rain gear again. In the days that followed, we had harvested bear a here and there. But mother nature didn’t make it due to the amount of rain. We finished the week with 6 bears harvested and 1 bear that was wounded and never found. During the second week of the spring we hosted a small group of 3 hunters. It was a new week and the weather forecast called for lots of sunny days ahead. Of the 3 hunters, one had horse shoes. Regardless where he hunted he saw bears everyday, One evening a beautiful boar came out with a nice V on his chest but he was unable to get a shot with bow. The next evening he took his rifle and ended up taking another bear. His father harvested a larger boar the following evening. The remaining hunter hunted the whole week but it just wasn't meant to be. He hunted the same bait 5 days in a row trying to out smart the boar but he never showed. The last day of his hunt we changed spots and sure enough at 7.30pm that night he came in but Ed wasn't there to meet him. We finished the week with 2 bears. We ended up fishing a lot and getting the guys their first northern pikes they had ever caught. 2018 Fall Bear Hunting Summary This year was unlike any year I have ever experienced while outfitting. The amount of sows with twins and triplets was unreal. We had one sow hanging out just behind the camp with 4 cubs. It was very difficult to try and avoid baits with them around even if there was a larger boars present because of the chance of the mother getting shot by accident. During the first week we hosted 12 hunters. Kevin started things off fast with a bear on the ground 40 minutes in first thing in the morning. At the end of the first day we had 3 bears on the ground. We harvested bears throughout the week but never had a big day like we normally do. We finished the week with 7 bears and 1 wounded bear which we never recovered. Most had sighting but were unable to get shots off. One hunter put some serious time in but unfortunately it just wasn't meant to be. The bears always seem to be one step ahead and ended up being the only one not to see anything. During the second week we hosted 8 hunters. The first day started off with a bang. 4 bears were harvested and 1 was wounded. There was not much blood to track but we spent most of the next day looking for it but unfortunately never ended up finding it. On the days to come there were some bear sightings including a large boar coming in right in front of a hunter no more then 10 yards away but was unable to shoot. The following day that bear returned but the hunter missed. He ended up harvesting a different bear the next day. Of the last 2 hunters remaining, one of the guys had seen a bear but never presented a shot opportunity before disappearing into the thick cover. After being picked up on the final night of their hunt, during the ride back to the truck, a bear ran out onto the trail and ended up running down the trail almost all the back to where the truck was parked. They had smiles on their faces that ran from one cheek to the other cheek. They will surely never forget that experience!! 2017 Fall Bear Hunt Summary Due to all the rain this year there were a lot more berries than any other year. Most of the raspberry’s and blueberry’s where gone prior to the season but the black berries seem to ripen up just as the season began. Acorns were also starting to drop but there were plenty of bears around and we felt it would take a little work but a perfect season was definitely possible. During the first week we hosted 19 hunters in two camps. Just like the spring, Mother Nature had planned to shake things up a bit with some nice miserable rain days with some of the guys only hunting 4 out of the 6 days. On opening day we harvested 4 bears. Wylie was extremely fortunate to have some very close encounters with bear’s only feet away. He was sitting in his blind and it happened many times during the week, unfortunately the one he was waiting for didn’t come in during the day. One afternoon it had rained so hard, some bow hunters decided not go out in fear of not being to track an animal if they took a shot. 45 minutes before dark it stopped raining and the sun came out. The next morning we baited, checked the cameras and sure enough the bears were there. We had a hunter leave his bait early one afternoon and only to see pictures the next morning of a nice bear come in right before dark. Others saw bears but it just didn’t come together. We finished the week 11 for 19. During the second week we hosted 10 hunters. Two of which were on their honeymoon. The second week was a complete 360 degree change weather wise and was perfect. We had hunters harvest bears but it seemed to go in waves. We would get a few bears one day, then none the next, then a few more the next. The second last day was a big day with 4 bears being harvested. We tried our best to get Kenny a bear but it just wasn’t meant to be. We finished the week 9 for 10. This year was by far the worst year we had ever had as far as losing wounded bears due to poor shot placement with bow hunters. Between the spring and the fall, we had lost 7 animals. We cannot stress it enough that you must wait for the perfect shot to present itself before you let that arrow fly!! We hunt different areas each week, so you are not hunting in the same spots as the hunters the previous week. So it really makes no difference which week you hunt. 2018 is gearing up to be a fantastic season, we are excited to share that most of the spots are booked up and only limited spots remain. To avoid disappointment, do not delay in booking your 2018 hunt. We are also booking for 2019 and beyond at this time. 2017 Spring Bear Hunt Summary This was by far the toughest hunt we ever had in the past 10 seasons. We have never had so many miserable rain days starting with a 7 hour sit in it on opening day. Everyone got wet expect for Goldie who was sitting in the Taj Mahal lol The bears just wouldn't move it in and I couldn't blame them. Poor Frank had gone out early one morning. He got into his blind, sat down and broke the chair then to add insult to injury he had bears come in but his glasses and scope were fogged up. By the time he got everything cleared up the bears had left. It rained that morning as well lol. John had a 300 pounder sneak up behind him and when it as all said and done he could only get its butt in the crosshairs and never took the shot. Darren was hunting with a bow and had a bear come in 10 mins after it was to dark to see his sights. Needless to say he waited up the tree for me to come get him. By the end of the week we had a couple of people wound bears that after many hours of looking, we could not find them and a very unlucky lady that got into the stand at 4:30am, had a bear walk out at 8:30 pm and missed. It happens. Every time I moved someone to any site, bears would come to where they where the night before.. I had left up some trail cameras a week after everyone had left. The woods are crawling with bears and many daytime pictures of some real nice ones!! If we would have hunted a week later we would have limited out within no time as always. It was a tough week and that's why its called hunting.. Everyone still enjoyed themselves and a bunch wanted to rebook for this fall as well as next year. Less then 3 months to go till the fall season begins!!!! 2016 Fall Bear Hunt Summary We hosted 16 hunters during our fall season. As usual opening day bought lots of success with 50% of hunters tagging out with most of the bears being taken in the afternoon. By the end of the second day, the main camp had gone 100% with farther and son harvesting bear 5 minutes apart of each other. The 3rd day brought more success. By the 4th day the last two hunters decided it was time to start hunting (one was extremely sick and the other has been hunting up here for many years and couldn’t careless if he went hunting). No matter what we did to get John Michaels a bear it just wasn’t meant to be. He only able to hunt for two days before he had to call it quits due to his health. We finished the season 14 for 16!! With the spring season just around the corner we are excited to get back out there!! We are sold out for the 2017 spring season!! 2016 Spring Bear Hunt Summary After many years of being cancelled the hunt had finally been approved. It first came to light in November 2015 that the hunt might be coming but was never officially approved till the end of February. During that time we had received lots of interest but did not want to take any deposits till I knew for sure if it was happening or not. By the time it had been approved most people had already booked hunts elsewhere so we only ended up taking out a small group. We had 5 confirmed hunters planning on come but two weeks left, 2 had to rebook for this fall 2016 due to health issues in the family. Baiting in the spring was totally different ball game than the fall. Most of the baits were still hard to get to because of the snow/ice and plenty of water/mud on the trails. As expected, the bears didn’t hit the baits hard right off the bat. Once emerged from their dens, they are looking for mainly greens to get their stomachs going again but it got going a few weeks into it. The weather was different with some weeks being extremely warm then cold with snow so I’m sure it was messing with the bears a bit. As planned the guys arrived on Saturday afternoon with much anticipation to be one of the first guy to get to hunt spring bear in this area in a very long time. Hunting began on Sunday. Frank harvested his bear at about 5.30pm that afternoon. The next day I had been back there to check the trail camera because Frank was curious to see if it had gotten it and it did. Sure enough just after an hour of a bunch of us there recovering his bear, another had come into the bait as if it was just a regular day. If it wasn’t for the picture you would have never believed it. The rest of the week had been tough. The bears were there but just not co-operating. Pete harvested his bear on Wednesday with his crossbow. He hit it a little 2 far back and only one drop of blood to go off of. With 4 us of looking we were lucky enough to find it and boy was it a beauty. If it had been the fall the brush would have been way too thick and the chances would have been very slim. All eyes were on John now to get it done but it wouldn’t be easy. It wasn’t till Saturday morning it all finally came together with literately hours to go till they departed home. It was the bear with the white V on its chest that we wanted. We pulled it off again. Another perfect season!!! It was definitely a fantastic week with great company, from Frank catching his first northern pike, conversations at meals to listening to the Pittsburgh Penguins final few playoffs games. Lifelong friendships have been If you’re looking place to go next spring and want to experience something different this is a place you should consider. We provide personal experiences not just a bear hunt. Give us a call at 613.334.5235. Thanks for your time, Nick Ps. All hunters have rebooked for Spring 2017 and are bringing more buddies along. So if you are considering it space is limited so don’t delay!! 2015 Bear Hunt Summary 2015 proved to be our best year to date!! We hosted 24 hunters and harvested 24 bears!!!! 100%!! We hosted 21 hunters during the first week. Opening day started out fantastic with 10 bears being harvested, other hunters had seen bears during the day but decided to wait. One hunter only had to wait about 20 minutes to arrow his 250lb bear. While being dropped off, we noticed the bear had put it claws into his climber and left cookie crumbs on it. Another had 6 different bears come by from 6am - 8am. He ended up arrowing a 230lb bear. Bears were harvested throughout the day, only proving once again, you must hunt all day. Another missed 3 different bears. With high hopes of success for the days to come all but 2 hunters were done by the 4th day, by the 5th day both hunters harvested their animals. During the week, many of the hunters had seen multiple different bears on many different days. During the 2nd week, two bears were harvested on their first day. One only waited 45 minutes before he arrowed his first 230lb bear, the other weighted 210lb. The second day was a write-off with it raining pretty hard much of the day. He had sat out all day in the rain and was rewarded on the 3rd day of his hunt. At camp we were all impatiently sitting around waiting for the call. We were placing bets on the time when it would happen and it all started at 6pm. It took about 30 minutes from when the bear first came out till it presented a prefect broadside shot. He sent his arrow flying and knew he had made a great shot. The bear only went about 40 yards and let out the famous death moan. Thats when we got the call, it was his first bear and the excitement in his voice will never be forgotten. That was it, a perfect season!!! All the hard work had paid off and everything had fallen into place. Even as I started to shut things down, make my rounds, removing trail cameras and stuff. I noticed the bears were still steadily coming out, the woods were crawling with them. Even into October on our deer baits the bears were still around. In 2012, we received a survey from the Ministry of Natural Resources (MNR) regarding the densities of bears in the area we hunt (around 40-60 bears per 60 square miles) and this year really confirmed this! We have some of the highest density of bears in the province and if you are looking for a quality personal hunting experience we are the place you got to check out. Thanks for your time, Nick 2014 Bear Hunt Summary Just like any other year baiting went very well. Baits were being hit constantly and all times of the day and night. Our trail cameras revealed bears frequently coming into bait stations during all hours of the day. So i decided to have the hunters hunt all day instead of just the afternoon. Opening day started around 4:30am for an early breakfast. Excitment was in the air and for some; it was a sleepless night because of the excitment of the week to come. The first bear of the season was taken at 6:45am. A total of 7 bears were taken that first day. Due to the heat, all bears were skinned out, quartered and out in the freezer to cool. The freezer was over filling with bear hides spread out on the floor and couldn't fit another. We hosted 15 hunters and 13 out of them were successful in harvesting a bear, with two missing twice. It was rewarding to see that the hard work of a month long baiting had paid off and unlike the last two years, Mother Nature didn't get involved and make things difficult with a mass crop of barriers and nuts. Many hunters witnessed multiple bears at baits at any given time. A timber wolf was also seen up close and personal at 20 yards. Some of the hunters went bass fishing and did very well i might add, while others explored the area with their ATVs. We also checked out Algonquin Park and were lucky enough to come face to face with a big bull moose. If you have ever dreamed of going on a bear hunt, check out our video testimonials from this and past hunters. Give us a call at 613.334.5235 or shoot us an email at info@wildnorthoutfitters.com. Youwill have an experience of a lifetime, be treated like a member of the family and be hooked on bear hunting for life. Thanks for your time, Nick

OTC tag verfügbar

Wo werde ich jagen


Umzäunung: Freie Wildbahn

Reviergröße: 200km2

Gesprochene Sprachen: Englisch

Jagdbetrieb seit: 2008 Jahr



Wo werde ich wohnen

Wild North Outfitters

The house is approximately 900 sqft. The kitchen is fully equipped with a fridge, stove, microwave, pots, pans, cutlery, tea towels, plates, cups, coffee maker, and kettle. The house has three bedrooms. Each room is equipped with bunk beds. One room has twin bunks. And the other two rooms have a double bed and a single bed on top. We supply linens, blankets, pillows, towels and face cloths. The family room has a TV and a dvd player. The bathroom comes with a shower and a tub. Also available at no extra cost, is a washer and dryer. We currently have 5 cabins. They are 10x10, come equipped with two twin beds, all bedding, and towels. The washroom building offers 2 toilets and a sink while the shower building offers 1 shower stall and a sink. For our Guests that are staying in our bunkies we offer a fully furnished Mess Hall to keep you entertained and for those on a meal plan, your meals will be served here.

Einrichtungen: TV Internet Bad Kühlschrank Elektrizität

  • Hunting accommodation Hunting accommodation
  • Hunting accommodation Hunting accommodation
  • Hunting accommodation Hunting accommodation
  • Hunting accommodation Hunting accommodation
  • Hunting accommodation Hunting accommodation
  • Hunting accommodation Hunting accommodation
  • Hunting accommodation Hunting accommodation
  • Hunting accommodation Hunting accommodation



The camp is located right off the black top road. We are only 7 hours from Detroit, MI, 6 hours from Buffalo, NY, 7 hours from Albany, NY, 10 hours from Harrisburg, PA and 8 hours from Cleveland, OH.

Flughafentransfer: Nein

Bahnhofstransfer: Nein

Weitere Informationen

Waffen-Verleih: Nein

Schutzimpfung erforderlich: Nein

Mehr über diese Jagd... (Jagdgebiet, Unterkunft, etc.) Details ausblenden


Im Preis inkludiert

  • Unterkunft
  • Transport im Revier
  • Trophäenvorbehandlung
  • Frühstück
  • Mittagessen
  • Dinner
  • Snacks
  • Getränke und Erfrischungsgetränke
  • Trinkgelder
  • Active baits
  • Transportation to and from hunting area
  • Daily baiting
  • Fishing boat but license is extra
  • On site cooler/freezer
  • 6 day baited hunt
  • Afternoon hunt


  • Deposits are non refundable. You must provide at least 2 months notice that you can not make it and your deposit will be transferred to the following year.
  • **Due to circumstances out of our control, no refunds will be given. It is your responsibility to ensure eligibility to enter Canada **

NICHT im Preis inkludiert

  • Jagdlizenz
  • Trophäen-Vermessung
  • Pirschführung
  • Waffen-Verleih
  • Alkoholische Getränke
  • Wäscheservice
  • Versicherung


  • Please note a wounded bear is considered your bear, found or not.
  • So take the time to make a well placed shot.

Im Preis inkludiert

  • Unterkunft
  • Transport im Revier
  • Trophäenvorbehandlung
  • Frühstück
  • Mittagessen
  • Dinner
  • Snacks
  • Getränke und Erfrischungsgetränke
  • Trinkgelder
  • Active baits
  • Transportation to and from hunting area
  • Daily baiting
  • Fishing boat but license is extra
  • On site cooler/freezer
  • 6 day baited hunt
  • Afternoon hunt

NICHT im Preis inkludiert

  • Jagdlizenz
  • Trophäen-Vermessung
  • Pirschführung
  • Waffen-Verleih
  • Alkoholische Getränke
  • Wäscheservice
  • Versicherung


  • Deposits are non refundable. You must provide at least 2 months notice that you can not make it and your deposit will be transferred to the following year.
  • **Due to circumstances out of our control, no refunds will be given. It is your responsibility to ensure eligibility to enter Canada **


  • Please note a wounded bear is considered your bear, found or not.
  • So take the time to make a well placed shot.



${{model.tourPrice.deposit | currency:"":0}}
Anzahlung: 5 Tage nach der Buchung


Paid 30 days vor Jagdantritt
Payment options provided by outfitter:
Credit card

Payment notes

Finally payment will be due 1 month before you arrive

Bewertungen (2)

William USA
8.3 of 10
Verifizierte Bewertung Diese Bewertung stammt aus einem bestätigten BookYourHunt-Kauf
6 Juni 2023

Way to spend spring

8.3 of 10

This was a pleasure. My stand was well prepared and comfortable. The food was great and home made. Nick and his mother Tina were very nice and helpful. We had a man show up to camp who had never hunted and unfired rifle. Nick got his gun zeroed and taught him to shoot. He got his bear on the second night. Six bears taken nine hunters. Everyone had a chance to take a bear. The fishing was very good also.

The weather was very hot for this time of year. Everything else in the outfitters power was great.

Client review USA
9.7 of 10
Verifizierte Bewertung Diese Bewertung stammt aus einem bestätigten BookYourHunt-Kauf
14 Juni 2023

Excellent hunting experience

9.7 of 10

Hard working camp with active bait sights.

auf der Karte

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