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Tecomate King Ladino White Clover Plus Perennial Food Plot Seed 3.25 lb

Tecomate King Ladino White Clover Plus Perennial Food Plot Seed 3.25 lb
SKU: TECO-16025
King Ladino White Clover is considered the very best all-round perennial food plot cultivar for whitetails, turkeys and other game. This big-leafed, high-production legume is the most preferred, nutritious and versatile of all clovers. Loaded with antler-growing protein, managers across the country build their entire program around this stuff. Grows nationwide. It’s no wonder Ladino White Clover is called “The King of Clovers!”
Seed Content: Top Ladino White Clovers
Planting Time:
- North: Spring or Fall
- South: Fall
Seeding Rate: 3.25 lb plants 1/2 Acre
Planting Depth: .125"-.25"
- Highly Attractive, Super Nutritious
- Provides Essential Antler-Growing Protein
- Massive Forage Production
- Superior Winter Hardiness
- Coated and Pre-Inoculated