Where to hunt Serval
Serval is a mid-sized feline, and weighs about 9 to 18 kilograms. It’s similar in body shape to domestic cat and leopard, but has relatively small head and large ears, and very long legs. It may stand up to 60 sm. at the shoulder, and leap up to 2 meters into the air, or up to 3.5 meters in length. You will hardly meet a Serval in a desert, nor in an equatorial rainforest. It loves reeds and grasslands with abundant water, where its long legs help it carry the body above water level. Serval prefers savannah, but will be found in other habitats, too, if the two conditions – water and cover – are met. Hunting opportunities for Serval exist in South Africa and Zimbabwe.
The most affordable Serval hunts are to be found in Zimbabwe, where the trophy fee can be as low as $500, and seldom is more than $1,000. In South Africa the average price of a Serval is $1,500. Special night hunting packages, that provide the best chance to harvest a Serval, along with other night dwellers such as Caracal, are priced from $4,000.
Erfahren Sie mehr darüber in unserem Blog
Katzen sind vielleicht die erfolgreichsten Raubtiere bei Säugetieren. Es gibt mehr Arten von Katzen als von Hunden. Die meisten Jäger denken bei einer Jagd auf Katzen entweder an Großkatzen wie Löwen, Leopard und Puma oder an die bekannteren Arten wie Rotluchs oder Luchs. Es gibt aber eine Reihe anderer kleinerer Katzen, die Afrika ihr zu Hause nennen. Lesen Sie, wer sie sind und wie man sie jagt.
28 Feb. 2019 Kleine Katzen. Teil II: AfrikaWhen to hunt Serval?
There isn’t a magic period when Serval hunting is better than at other times. The small feline is usually hunted in the course of a general ‘plains game’ hunt. Opportunities for such hunts exist all year in South Africa; in Zimbabwe hunting is open year round as well, but the months through November to March are usually too hot and wet for a successful hunt.
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