Senegal Büffel jagen
2 Jagdangebote, 2 Jagdanbieter ab$25,500
Wo kann man Senegal Büffel jagen?
An intermediate size Buffalo compared to the Cape and Forest Buffalo subspecies. Also known as the West African Savannah Buffalo and as the name suggests is well distributed across West Africa. The Northwestern Buffalo is one of the main hunting attractions for hunters visiting the countries of Benin, Burkina Faso and Cameroon where it is hunted on huge territories referred to as a “Concession” or a “Hunting Block”.
Few hunters will travel to West Africa to hunt Northwestern Buffalo without including other plains game species found in the region. The price of the hunt is determined not only by the trophy fee but the minimum number of hunting days a hunter is required to book as prescribed by the government officials of the country. The price ranges from $ 9,500 - $ 49,000 including the trophy fee for a Buffalo and the length of the hunts range from 7 – 15 days.
When to hunt Northwestern Buffalo?
Feeding mostly at night, these Buffalo are mostly grazers preferring the well-watered savanna grassland habitats of Western Africa. Hunting takes place between the 15th December and the 30th April, with December, January and February being the most popular hunting months in Burkina Faso. In some territories in Cameroon the season runs from mid-December to the end of May.
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