Jagden in Kasachstan auf der Karte
Über die Jagd in Kasachstan
With an area of more than 1 million square miles, Kazakhstan is the ninth-largest country in the world. It’s located in the heart of central Asia, bordered by Russia on the north, China on the east, Kyrgystan, Uzbekistan, and Turkmenistan on the south, and the Caspian Sea on the west. Mid-Asian ibex are the primary draw for the mountain hunter, and trophy quality here is excellent. Hunters also flock to Kazakhstan for the chance to hunt the Asian wapiti or maral stag, the largest elk in the world. Siberian roe deer (the largest variety of roe deer), wild boars, and wolves round out the huntable game. The country is also home to four types of argali sheep as well as transcaspian urial, but none of these are currently open to hunting. The population of maral stags in Kazakhstan is the highest in Eurasia. Eastern Kazakhstan is especially well known for outstanding trophies. The best time for maral stag hunting is during the roar. Ibex hunting in Kazakhstan is conducted in national parks, and there are two options. Altyn Emel National Park is located about 135 miles from the city of Almaty. While the mountains in this area are rugged, the elevation is not extreme and most hunting areas can be accessed by vehicle and on foot. Average trophy size ranges from 39 to 45 inches. Much higher in altitude are the Djungarian and Ili Alatau National Parks, located about 250 miles from Almaty. Hunting in this area is usually conducted on horseback, and average trophy size is larger than in Altyn Emel at 46 to 55 inches.
Was Sie wissen müssen
1. Planen Sie Ihre Reise
2. Ihre Ankunft
3. Die Jagd
4. Nach der Jagd
Planen Sie Ihre Reise
No visa is required for citizens of the United States for stays up to 15 days and, starting January 1, 2017, no visa is required for citizens of Canada who are visiting as tourists. For more information on visa requirements, go to https://kazakhstan.visahq.com.
Ihre Ankunft
Sofern Sie nicht kasachisch oder russisch sprechen, benötigen Sie einen Übersetzer, der die Details der Einreise- und Ausreisebestimmungen aus Kasachstan behandelt. Achten Sie also darauf, dies mit Ihrem Jagdanbieter zu vereinbaren. Sie sollten die Details der Schusswaffe, die Sie Ihrem Jagdanbieter bringen, rechtzeitig bekannt geben. Nach der Einreise und dem Einladen Ihres Gepäcks, müssen Sie Ihre Waffe überprüfen lassen und erhalten eine befristete Waffenerlaubnis. Dies sollten Sie nicht selbst versuchen.
Die Jagd
Hunts for ibex may occur at extreme altitude in very challenging terrain, and good physical condition is a must. Average shooting distance is from 200 to 400 yards, so rifles in the .300 magnum class are generally recommended, and hunters should be well-practiced and comfortable shooting at longer distances. Maral stag hunts take place in less extreme terrain, but also require a high level of fitness, similar to elk hunts in the United States. Combination hunts for both species are possible but usually require a change of location as the two species generally live in different areas
Die Berge können extrem kalt und windig werden. Beraten Sie sich mit Ihrem Jagdanbieter für Empfehlungen zu Kleidung und Ausrüstung, die den harten Bedingungen standhalten.
Nach der Jagd
Die Mitarbeiter Ihres Jagdanbieters müssen sich mit lokalen Betreibern und Behörden abstimmen, um die erforderlichen Exportgenehmigungen zu erhalten. Steinbocktrophäen benötigen auch ein Ursprungszeugnis, um in die Vereinigten Staaten importiert zu werden. Trophäen werden normalerweise versandt, sobald die richtigen Dokumente ausgestellt sind.
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