341 Jagdangebote, 108 Jagdanbieter ab$550
Where to hunt Common Duiker
Common or Grey Duiker, unlike most other species of Duiker, prefers savannah habitat to rainforest, and is therefore referred to as bush duiker. Its range covers all parts of Trans-Saharan Africa where there is sufficient cover, and hunting opportunities for this species are found in South Africa, Mozambique, Zimbabwe, Zambia, Namibia, Botswana, Tanzania and the savannah part of Cameroon.
Common Duiker rarely gets to be the main species a hunter targets on a safari. However, it is often included into the trophy list of a plains game hunt, or thrown in for good measure in package deals. The shooting fees for Common Duiker range from as low as $200-$300 in Namibia, South Africa, Zimbabwe and Botswana, to $500-$700 in Tanzania and Mozambique.
Erfahren Sie mehr darüber in unserem Blog
A hunter considering his or her first African adventure has many questions that aren’t always covered by the hunt descriptions. How does the “daily rate plus trophy fees” system work, and what’s the difference from a package hunts? How much to budget for travel, tips, taxidermy? Are there other expense items I don’t yet know about? This post covers the basics of the budget for a South African safari, door to door.
17 Aug. 2017 Was ist der Endpreis für eine durchschnittliche südafrikanische Jagd?When to hunt Common Duiker?
Common Duiker can be hunted year round in South Africa. There isn’t a time of year that is necessarily better or worse for Common Duiker hunting, but most hunters prefer to schedule their plains game hunts to May to September, when the South Hemisphere has the winter. Dedicated Duiker hunters should bear in mind the different hunting seasons in Cameroon, with the season in the savannah part of the country, the habitat of Common Duiker, running from January 1 to April 30.
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