Охота на Лошадиную Антилопу

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2 охотничьих тура от 2 аутфиттеров начиная от$26,000

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Где охотиться на Лошадиную Антилопу

Western Roan are very similar in colour to the other subspecies of Roan occurring in East and Southern Africa. In total there are six subspecies of Roan of which the Western Roan is distributed across a number of the West African countries. These Roan may be hunted in Benin, Burkina Faso, Central African Republic and Cameroon where they are a popular species to be hunted during a regular 10-day plains game safari.

Распределение цен

Trophy fees for Western Roan in Benin, Burkina Faso, Central African Republic and Cameroon all run at around $2,000. A 7-day listed hunt in Burkina Faso for a Northwestern Buffalo and Western Roan will cost you $13,650 all in. In Cameroon, you will pay approximately $1,250 per day daily rate fee for a 10-15 day hunt with a trophy fee of around $2,000-2,200 for a Western Roan. This is just the basic hunting costs and excludes license fees and multiple other similar fees.

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When to hunt Western Roan Antelope?

The best time to hunt Roan is probably about a month in on the hunting season as many of the safari hunting areas will have completed their patch mosaic burning programmes which open large sections of long grass and increasing the overall hunting visibility. The young regrowth also encourages the game to move out into the burnt areas where they are easier to be seen. Roan may be hunted during the following periods: Benin: From mid-December to mid-May Burkina Faso: From 15 December to 15 April Cameroon: From 1 December to 31 May Central African Republic (CAR): December to March/April


Способы охоты

It is best to hunt with a Professional Hunter and trackers who know their hunting areas well and are familiar with the game movement in order to pattern the likely chances of finding Roan in the hunting territory. This species tends to avoid other species and hangs out in long grass a habitat type not favoured by my antelope. Hunting in open woodlands and grasslands, the Roan’s favoured habitat might offer good cover for a walk and stalk but can also create problems when trying to find a suitable position to take a shot without the possibility of your bullet being deflected by the long grass. Roan tend to drink in the late afternoon so check out the rivers and other water points in the concession.

Why hunt Western Roan Antelope?

Being one of Africa’s largest antelope, this species may not be a priority species when you first start hunting Africa. However, once you have hunted a Sable Antelope you will always want to compliment this trophy with a Roan as your trophy room would just not be the same without the two on display. So while hunting some of the West African specials why not hunt one of the main popular attractions, the Western Roan. These animals make a magnificent pedestal mount unless you can afford a full mount or have the space in your trophy room. Shoulder mounts and European skull mounts are also very popular.

Big Safari

Big Safari

Антилопа лошадиная, Сенегальский буйвол, Питон, Кустарниковый дукер
Длительность тура: 15 дней
Season: 18 дек. 2024 - 15 апр. 2025
Цена от
за 15 дней, 1 охотник
12 Day Lord Derby Eland/Buff/Roan/Lion

12 Day Lord Derby Eland/Buff/Roan/Lion

10 1 отзыв
Антилопа лошадиная, Водяной козёл дефасса, Бушбок пёстрый, Коб, Лев...
Длительность тура: 14 дней
Season: 1 дек. 2024 - 30 апр. 2025
Цена от
за 14 дней, 1 охотник
Антилопа лошадиная

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