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Also known as Silver Fox
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4 охотничьих тура от 2 аутфиттеров начиная от$1,640

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Africa has two species of fox, the Bat Eared Fox (Otocyon megalotis) and Cape Fox (Vulpes chama). The Cape Fox is also more commonly known as a Silver Jackal or Silver Fox and also called by the lesser known names of Asse or Cama Fox. They are found in the short arid grasslands of Namibia, Botswana and drier regions of South Africa. They may be hunted in Namibia and South Africa

Распределение цен

These animals are normally hunted during the course of a plains game hunt or may be found in nocturnal hunting packages. Many Outfitters charge an additional fee of up to $150 to hunt additional animals at night if you have booked a standard plains game hunt. The trophy fee is approximately $500. The daily rates for a plains game or night hunt in South Africa and Namibia are in the vicinity of $350-$450 per day.

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When to hunt Cape Fox?

Cape Fox may be hunted year round in South Africa and from February 1 to November 30 in Namibia. The best months for hunting Cape Fox are the dry winter and autumn months in Southern Africa when the vegetation is sparse and food is not readily available. This will inevitably lead to these animals being more active for a longer periods in search of their prey which ultimately enhances you chances of finding an animal to shoot.


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First and foremost find an area like the Eastern Cape where these animals occur and fairly regularly seen. Being a nocturnal animal your best chances of shooting a Fox are at dawn and dusk during the day but in most cases you will need to spend time driving around at night. In the majority of cases these animals are shot at night, driving around in a pickup, searching for a suitable specimen with a spotlight.

Why hunt Cape Fox?

Full mounted Cape Foxes make an interesting full mount or could also just be collected for their lovely fur coat. Generally they are not commonly hunted but average hunter. Some hunters are interested in collecting the nocturnal seldom observed species. Usually most foxes are hunted as a trophy of opportunity whilst the client is busy hunting something else and just happens to stumble across a Cape Fox.

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