Охота на Бушпига
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Где охотиться на Бушпига
Classified as one of Africa’s greatest crop raiders and despised by farmers. Bushpigs are well distributed throughout Eastern, Central and Southern Africa, especially in areas of lower altitude that offer dense cover, forests, thick riverine vegetation and reedbeds. Good cover, water and food supply of their favourite crops of maize (corn) and sugar cane, are a recipe for good Bushpig hunting conditions. They can be hunted in Ethiopia, Uganda, Tanzania, Mozambique, Zambia, Zimbabwe, Botswana and Namibia. For serious pig hunters, South Africa is your best bet where some Outfitters specialise in hunting Bushpigs.
Распределение цен
In Zambia, Zimbabwe and Mozambique you will be required to book a minimum of a 7-10 day hunt, with a daily rate of $600-$700 and pay a trophy fee of approximately $750-$925 plus license fees. While in Tanzania, a minimum 10 day hunt will cost approximately $1,200 per day with a trophy fee of $550-$850. In South Africa, the daily rates range from $350-$450 per day with a trophy fee of $400-$1,250. Some places charge an additional rate for night hunting ranging from $50-$100 and others charge a baiting fee of up to $200 for a successful Bushpig hunt. Hunting Bushpigs with dogs can cost you an additional $300 a day.
Специальные предложения
When to hunt Bushpig?
Bushpig may be hunted all year round In South Africa and Zimbabwe. In Mozambique the season is open from April 1 to November 30. The Zambian hunting season runs from the beginning of May to the end of November. In Tanzania the hunting season is from 1 July to 31 December. The best months for hunting Bushpig are the dry winter months when food is scarce and they are at their easiest to bait. Avoid the rainy season when food is plentiful and easy to find with their exceptional sense of smell.
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