Охота на Голубого дукера

Also known as Piti
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65 охотничьих туров от 26 аутфиттеров начиная от$1,955

65 охот
$1,955 Минимальная цена
3 страны
6274mi До ближайшего тура

Где охотиться на Голубого дукера

Duikers are found throughout sub-Saharan Africa and split into two main groups, the forest Duikers and those that inhabit the savannas. The smallest of the Duikers, the Blue Duiker belongs to the forest Duiker group and found in Central, Eastern and along the Southern Africa coastal belt. Blue Duikers occur in Zambia, Zimbabwe, Tanzania, Republic of Congo and Central African Republic but it is difficult to find an Outfitter offering this species. BookYourHunt has listings for Blue Duiker in Cameroon, Mozambique and South Africa.

Распределение цен

Cameroon offers the greatest variety of huntable Duikers, however most hunters add Blue Duikers to their trophy wish list during an 8 -15 day package hunt which normally includes Bongo and/or Forest Sitatunga. The additional trophy fee will cost between $375-500. In Mozambique you will be required to book a minimum of a 7-10 day hunt, with a daily rate of $600-$700 and pay a trophy fee of approximately $1,250 – 1,775. The same hunt is available in South Africa, with trophy fees ranging from $1,100-1,800 and daily rates between $350-450 per day.

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When to hunt Blue Duiker?

In Mozambique Blue Duikers can be hunted during the hunting season which opens on April 1 and closes on November 30. Blue Duiker may be hunted year round In South Africa. In the forested territories of the Cameroon the season runs from March 1 until the end of July. The best months for hunting Blue Duiker are the dry months of June to October when the trees have dropped their leaves and the new flush has not yet come through. Also the grass growing between some of the patches of forest will be at its lowest.


Способы охоты Все способы охоты (11)

Walk and stalk is an option when hunting Blue Duikers. Walk slowly along the roads or tracks on the forest margins. In some areas you can sit near a pool of water and wait it out. However, the most popular and quickest way to hunt Blue Duiker is with dogs. This hunting method is mostly used in the Easter Cape of South Africa where many Outfitters have specialised packs of small dogs to chase these Duikers. They will need to be taken on the run with a shotgun as they break cover and dart between the patches of forest.

Why hunt Blue Duiker?

Of the 22 Duiker species, 17 are huntable. Although not big and dangerous, the Duikers take some serious hunting. A Blue Duiker hunt using dogs can be really exciting, testing your shotgun skills when trying to hit a running, jumping target. Owing to their size, Blue Duiker make marvellous full mounts especially when mounted with a little bit of habitat. A Duiker collection may also comprise of skull mounts but to truly appreciate your efforts you need to consider full mounting most of your trophies to appreciate the different sizes and colours. Also keep in mind that Blue Duiker are one of the species listed as the “Tiny Ten”.

Eastern Cape Plains Game Hunt 1x1

Восточно-Капская провинция, Южно-Африканская Республика
Дукер голубой, Павиан, Спрингбок чёрный, Гну белохвостый, Шакал чепрачный...
Длительность тура: 5 - 14 дней
Season: 1 мар. 2025 - 30 нояб. 2025
Цена от
за 5 дней, 1 охотник
Eastern Cape Plains Game Hunt 1x1

Eastern Cape Plains Game Hunt 1x1

10 1 отзыв
Восточно-Капская провинция, Южно-Африканская Республика
Дукер голубой, Черная импала, Спрингбок чёрный, Гну белохвостый, Гну голубой...
Длительность тура: 3 - 14 дней
Season: 10 янв. 2025 - 20 дек. 2025
Цена от
за 3 дня, 1 охотник

Garden Route Plains Game Safari (1x1)

9.8 8 отзывов
Западно-Капская провинция, Южно-Африканская Республика
Дукер голубой, Ankole, Павиан, Черная импала, Спрингбок чёрный...
Длительность тура: 3 - 12 дней
Season: 1 янв. 2025 - 31 дек. 2025
Цена от
за 3 дня, 1 охотник
Дукер голубой

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