White-Tailed Mongoose hunting

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Where to hunt White-Tailed Mongoose

A nocturnal, mostly insectivorous animal that will also eat rats, mice, small birds, lizards, snakes and bird eggs. They are found across Africa south of the Sahara Desert in well-watered woodland Savannas. They do not occur in the rainforests of the Congo Basin and the arid regions of Botswana, Namibia and western South Africa. BookYourHunt offers White-tailed Mongoose hunts in Cameroon and South Africa.

Распределение цен

In South Africa some Outfitters offer specialised nocturnal hunting packages with options that include both daily rates and trophies or just daily rates. The daily rates for these hunts range $345-$380 per day for a 1x1 hunt or $280 per day for a 2x1 hunt with a trophy fee of $200 – 400. In the Cameroon you can add a White-tailed Mongoose to your wish list for a Bongo or Forest Sitatunga, for $275 and the daily rates for these hunts run at $1,000-2,000 per day.

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When to hunt White-Tailed Mongoose?

White-tailed Mongoose may be hunted year round In South Africa with the preferred season being the winter months of June to August when food is not so readily available, forcing these animals to spend more time foraging for food. Being a nocturnal animal you will need to be out hunting after dark. In Cameroon the Savanna hunting season opens on January 1 and closes on April 30.


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Firstly you need to find some good suitable White-tailed Mongoose habitat. Then you need to dress warm as you will be out for a good few hours driving around in the dark on the back of a pickup. The wind chill factor will be a lot colder than expected even though you are hunting in Africa. With the use of a spotlight, you may spend many hours looking for a suitable trophy. There is no plan other than to just keep driving and looking until successful.

Why hunt White-Tailed Mongoose?

White-tailed Mongoose are the largest species of mongoose in Africa. In most instances they are hunted as a trophy of opportunity but make for a tough speciality hunt as these animals may be common but not abundant. These animals make spectacular full mount trophies but are normally hunted by clients who have an interest in collecting the lesser known and seen nocturnal animals.

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