Striped Polecat hunting

Also known as Zorilla, African Skunk, African Polecat
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28 охотничьих туров от 2 аутфиттеров начиная от$3,519

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$3,519 Минимальная цена
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Where to hunt Striped Polecat

Zorilla, are also known as Striped Polecats or African Skunks. They are much smaller than their American counterpart is more of a Weasel sized animal. This nocturnal woolly black haired animal has a white back with two zigzagging stripes along its spine and the most notable white eyebrows. They occur over a large area of sub-Saharan Africa excluding the densely forested areas. Although not a popular trophy, they can be hunted in most countries that permit hunting in Africa. Many countries do not allow night hunting so your best bet is to choose Namibia or South Africa as your destination of choice.

Распределение цен

Zorillas are targeted by clients keen on collecting the small and in most cases nocturnal animals of Africa. These animals are normally hunted during a 7 – 10 day hunt that will combine numerous other species. In many cases, unless a dedicated nocturnal hunt clients will pay the standard daily rate of around $300 a day in South Africa and Namibia. The majority of outfitters now charge a nocturnal hunting fee of anything from $75 - $150 a night to offset the additional fuel costs and overtime worked by the hunting team.

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When to hunt Striped Polecat?

Zorilla may be hunted year-round In South Africa and Zimbabwe. In Namibia, for instance, hunting is closed in January and February, and in Mozambique, the season is open from April 1 to November 30. In Tanzania, the hunting season is from 1 July to 31 December. The best months for hunting Zorilla are the dry autumn months of August to October or after a burn when the green grass starts to sprout. General hunting period: All year. Best hunting period: August - October


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Zorilla hunting is a matter of perseverance or luck. You may just bump into one but if you choose to hunt one, it could mean driving around for many hours on the back of a pickup shining a spotlight in search of these solitary nocturnal beasts. There is no alternative but to spend time night after night in search of one of these tiny critters.

Why hunt Striped Polecat?

Zorillas produce the most dreadful smell in self-defence just like a skunk. This fact alone makes it a definite conversation piece in anyone’s trophy collection. They are rarely seen let alone hunted but some hunters, cannot resist hunting a lesser-known nocturnal animal.

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