Soemmerring's Gazelle hunting

Also known as Somali Soemmerring's Gazelle
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2 охотничьих тура от 1 аутфиттера начиная от$53,760

2 охоты
$53,760 Минимальная цена
1 страна
7235mi До ближайшего тура

Where to hunt Soemmerring's Gazelle

Size-wise, Soemmerring's Gazelle is slightly smaller than a Grant’s Gazelle. The Somali Soemmerring's Gazelle is one of three Soemmerring's Gazelle species and have a very distinctive horn shape, much like those of a Springbuck. This species may only be hunted in the Lowlands of Ethiopia.

Распределение цен

BookYourHunt currently only has two offers available in our listed hunts. The Ethiopian daily rates for a 21 - 26 day safari price ranges from $1850 to 1995. The trophy fee for a Soemmerring's Gazelle is $2600.

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When to hunt Soemmerring's Gazelle?

Ethiopia has no fixed hunting season but the best time to hunt Soemmerring's Gazelle is from October to June. As with most antelope, the best hunting time is early morning and late afternoon but being a true open plains species, they may be hunted throughout the day.


Способы охоты

Soemmerring's Gazelle have adapted well to the arid savanna. In some countries, regional migrations have been recorded during the dry season when these animals are in search of suitable grazing. They forage in fairly open areas which sometimes makes for a difficult stalk. For the most part, they are hunted spot and stalk style from a vehicle. Once spotted your professional hunter will plan a stalk to get within shooting distance.

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Why hunt Soemmerring's Gazelle?

When hunters travel to these remote hunting areas it is normally with the intention of collecting the many rare species found in these regions. As with all the Gazelles they make great shoulder and pedestal mounts and if you have travelled as far as Ethiopia you might as well collect one of these designer Gazelles

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