Охота в Миссисипи

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2 охотничьих тура от 1 аутфиттера начиная от$300

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About hunting in Mississippi

Deer, doves, ducks, and more - Mississippi has a lot to offer to a visiting hunter. The mighty river that shares the name with the state, its hardwood-overgrown bottom and endless, often almost impenetrable delta remain a wilderness in many areas, while crops grown on the state’s fertile soil provide food not only to humans, but also to quail, pheasant, razorback boars and other birds and beasts. Over a million acres of national forests are available for hunters to access. For a number of years, the Magnolia State was rated as the No 1 whitetail hunting state in the USA. Mississippi has one of the biggest herds of deer in North America, as well as one of the highest deer-to-hunter ratios. Statistically, a hunter is highly likely to get an old, mature whitetail in Mississippi, and many recent entries to trophy record books come from the state. Mississippi has minimum antler size requirements: a buck is only legal if it has a spread of more than 10” or at least one beam longer than 13” in all zones except the Delta, where the minimum is 12” of spread or 15” of beam length. This is suggestive of where you want to go for a big trophy whitetail in Mississippi. Black bears are considered endangered in Mississippi, and no hunting season is open. Wild boars, however, offer an excellent hunting opportunity. Hogs can be hunted year round, with no weapon or caliber restriction, but only with a written permission from the landowner. Since 2005, an alligator hunting season has been open in Mississippi, and hunters may pursue the prehistoric reptiles both in coastal and inland waters. The Mississippi Delta is one of the best duck hunting destinations in the world. Some areas are accessible to all hunters, while others are limited-access only. There are, of course, outfitters who operate on both public and private land, often on family farms, who could give you the hunt of your lifetime. Quail hunting is on the decline, but doves are still numerous, and the opening day of the dove season remains an important part of Mississippi lifestyle. Hunting has been ingrained in Mississippi culture, and immemorized by numerous iconic authors. From duck hunting on the Beaver Dam with Nash Buckingham to going after deer with packs of hounds with William Faulkner (by the way, this is still legal in Mississippi) the classic experiences are still alive and await you at the Magnolia State.

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