Hunting in Entre Rios

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12 охотничьих туров от 3 аутфиттеров начиная от$1,570

12 охот
$1,570 Минимальная цена
7 животных
4986mi До ближайшего тура

Entre Rios on map

Entre Ríos Province is situated in the northeast of Argentina, not far from Buenos Aires. It is bordered by the Paraná River to the west and north, which separates it from the provinces of Santa Fe and Corrientes, and by the Uruguay River to the east, which separates it from Uruguay.

About hunting in Entre Rios

Embraced by two mighty rivers, the Entre Ríos Province is a premier destination in Argentina is a great location for waterfowl hunting, as well as dove shooting, big-game hunting, dorado fishing and "cast and blast" trips. Read more...

The name "Entre Rios" translates literally as "Between Rivers", and this precisely reflects its geography. Squeezed between the Paraná and the Uruguay rivers, it is characterized by its flat terrain and abundant water bodies, including apart from the rivers numerous streams and lagoons. The landscape primarily consists of fertile plains and is known for its lush, green scenery, a contrast to the drier regions of Argentina. The region's geography makes it ideal for agriculture and livestock farming. However, Entre Ríos is rich in biodiversity, due to its numerous rivers and wetlands. It features a variety of vegetation, including grasslands and forests along the riverbanks. Duck hunting is the main attraction in Entre Ríos, thanks to the province's abundant wetlands and waterways. Pigeon and dove shooting doesn't give anything to other Argentinean provinces either, and a specialty with many outfitters are "mixed bag" offers, allowing you to target ducks, doves, pigeons, and perdiz (partridges) in the course of the same trip, as well as "cast and blast" trips combining hunting with fishing. As far as big game is concerned, the marshy environments of Entre Rios are a perfect habitat for wild boar and water buffalo, with axis deer and blackbuck also abundant. To get to Entre Ríos, travelers usually fly into Buenos Aires and then take a domestic flight or drive to their destination. The province is well-connected by road and offers scenic views along the way. Beyond hunting, Entre Ríos is known for its hot springs, particularly in cities like Federación and Concordia. The province's rivers and streams are ideal for fishing, particularly for dorado, a sought-after game fish. The region's natural beauty and tranquil setting also make it a great destination for bird watching, and enjoying the local culture and cuisine. Hide details

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Entre Rios

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