300 Red-Legged Partridge Package

Castile-La Mancha, Испания

Цена пакетного тура

Цена пакетного тура

$21,321 за 1 день, 10 охотников,
with Красноногая куропатка included
US$ 21,321 *
*Это приблизительная цена в выбранной валюте. Фактическая цена поездки составляет 20,691
Стоимость включает:
Суточная стоимость за 1 день
10 охотников
Красноногая куропатка
Информация о пакете Выбор дат поездки
Выберите даты и другие детали Вашей охоты и сделайте бронь.

Об этой охоте

Day 1 Arrive in Madrid. Upon clearing customs guests will be met by a representative from El Despeñadero who will assist you with gun clearance if they are traveling with their own guns. Depart Madrid for the relative short journey to Toledo, the historic town. Journey time 60 minutes. Upon arrival they will be shown to the house. Once in Toledo they can enjoy of one of the most exclusive terraces with an amazing views to El Valle or River Tajo where dinner can be served. Day 2 Arise and prepare for the first morning of Shooting in El Despeñadero. Breakfast will be held in the main dining room from 9:30-10:00am. Guests should be ready to depart to shooting at 10:30-11:00am. Their loaders and secretaries will have their guns and cartridges already in their vehicles; all they need is their personal effects such as their hearing protection and gloves. During the day will take 4 drives with 3 breaks for the “taco” (elevenses) after the first, second and third drive where guests can enjoy of our exceptional gastronomy, some cold and heat meats, fish, Spanish omelettes and a big amount of “tapas”, all washed down best Rioja wines, etc. giving the guests time to relax and enjoy some banter and beverage. The drives will start when all the guns are on their pegs. Once the shooting has come to an end the guns retire to the house for lunch and enjoy food and beverages commenting the shooting. Day 3 The day three starts the same as day two (all with different drives). At the end of the day after the last drive the guest will return to the house where they can pack up ready for they return journey to Madrid.

С проводником (Лёгкий тур)
Нагонная охота на птиц Охота из укрытия Охота с дробовиком

Сезон охоты: 1 окт. 2024 - 28 февр. 2025

Где Вы будете охотиться


With over 3000 hectares, we guarantee the necessary bravery and density to ensure that a day’s partridge hunting at home with us will be an unforgettable challenge for any connoisseur demanding a quality shoot. This is why some of the most distinguished public figures from around the world have consistently chosen El Despeñadero to organize their partridge shoots and why they are no longer just clients, but friends of the family.

Тип ограждения: Нет ограждения

Размер территории: 3500 ha

Язык персонала: Английский Испанский

Открытие: 1970 год

Рельеф территории

Равнина: 50%

Холмистая возвышенность: 50%

Ландшафт территории

Саванна/ низкорослый кустарник: 50%

Лес: 50%

Развлекательные услуги

Стрельба по тарелочкам Экскурсии Horse Riding, Golf, Shopping, Cultural Trips, Somontes Pigeon Shooting Club, Madrid

Где Вы остановитесь

El despeñadero

The house has 17 double suite rooms and 4 luxury Villas with their own gardens and spa. Each room is decorated in every detail to create a delightful experience right down to the last detail ensuring the maximun comfort of our guests. The house offer all kind of facilities to our guests. From a very comfortable Salons to relax and enjoy some drinks, reading, etc. to a beautiful Dining Room with a large window with stunning views to enjoy the exquisite cuisine and a Meeting Room with the latest technology. With a natural environment our outdoor spaces make the house special giving our guest the possibility to enjoy a fabulous time to relax or for a walk. Green gardens with fountains or a lake make it the perfect choice.

Удобства: Телевизор Интернет Ванная комната Ensuite shower Холодильник Услуги прачечной Покрытие сети мобильной связи Электричество Spa treatments

  • Hunting accommodation Hunting accommodation
  • Hunting accommodation Hunting accommodation
  • Hunting accommodation Hunting accommodation
  • Hunting accommodation Hunting accommodation
  • Hunting accommodation Hunting accommodation
  • Hunting accommodation Hunting accommodation
  • Hunting accommodation Hunting accommodation
  • Hunting accommodation Hunting accommodation
  • Hunting accommodation Hunting accommodation

Как добраться

Навигационные указания

Please contact the outfitter to arrange the pick up from the airport according to the group size.

Ближайший аэропорт: Мадрид

Расстояние от аэропорта: 60 minutes drive

Трансфер из аэропорта: Да

Трансфер с ж/д станции: Нет

Другая информация

Аренда оружия: Да

Обязательная вакцинация: Нет

Подробнее об охоте... (территории, размещении, и т.д.) Скрыть детали


В стоимость включено

  • Проживание
  • Транспорт во время охоты
  • Трансфер в/из аэропорта
  • Сопровождение профессиональным охотником
  • Первичная обработка трофеев
  • Охотничья лицензия
  • Разрешение на оружие
  • Завтрак
  • Обед
  • Dinner
  • Снеки, закуски
  • Прохладительные напитки
  • 21% V.A.T. rate.


  • Booking deposit is non refundable but can be postponed after the preliminary agreement with the outfitter!

В стоимость НЕ включено

  • Международные и внутренние авиаперелёты
  • Отели и питание до и после охоты
  • Extra room at the lodge 350€
  • Loader and secretario: 70€/each/day.
  • Gun hire (A fine pair): 200€/hunter/day.
  • Non Shooting Guest: 250€/night.
  • Tip for the house staff and game keeper 70€ hunter per day.
  • Extra partridges over 600/day at 38€/bird. (Only in case shooters decide it)

Ранение животного

  • Раненая и не найденная птица считается добытой!

В стоимость включено

  • Проживание
  • Транспорт во время охоты
  • Трансфер в/из аэропорта
  • Сопровождение профессиональным охотником
  • Первичная обработка трофеев
  • Охотничья лицензия
  • Разрешение на оружие
  • Завтрак
  • Обед
  • Dinner
  • Снеки, закуски
  • Прохладительные напитки
  • 21% V.A.T. rate.

В стоимость НЕ включено

  • Международные и внутренние авиаперелёты
  • Отели и питание до и после охоты
  • Extra room at the lodge 350€
  • Loader and secretario: 70€/each/day.
  • Gun hire (A fine pair): 200€/hunter/day.
  • Non Shooting Guest: 250€/night.
  • Tip for the house staff and game keeper 70€ hunter per day.
  • Extra partridges over 600/day at 38€/bird. (Only in case shooters decide it)


  • Booking deposit is non refundable but can be postponed after the preliminary agreement with the outfitter!

Ранение животного

  • Раненая и не найденная птица считается добытой!



30% стоимости тура
Срок внесения депозита: 5 дней после бронирования

Полная оплата

Paid 30 days Перед началом охоты

Отзывы (5)

Will Великобритания
10.0 of 10

I have been fortunate enough to have shot at a vast number of shoots across the world over the years and I have to say that El Despenadero features as one of the top shoots. From the moment you book with Dario, the efficiency, helpfulness and welcoming hospitality of all the shoot staff is evident. If you can only get to one shoot in the year, make sure it’s at El Despenadero. If fact, if you only ever shoot one, this should be it. From the wonderful warm welcome, all the way through to the post-shoot dinner, everything was run to perfection. The variety of drives was well chosen for the conditions, and it all ran like clockwork but with a relaxed feel. Everyone that we met on the day made my guests and myself feel so welcome, staff and other guns.

10.0 of 10
Alejandro Соединённые Штаты Америки
10.0 of 10

I have had several days with at El Despeñadero over the last few seasons and without exception they have been tremendous. Some fantastic venues for shooting and top class accommodation and hospitality on every occasion. I have days already booked with them for next season! First class in every way.

10.0 of 10
John Соединённые Штаты Америки
10.0 of 10

A perfect Partridge day. Dario and his team are very welcoming and creates a very friendly and relaxed atmosphere from start to finish. Nice variation of drives, with amazing well-presented birds, so plenty of shooting for all guns. Full credit to Dario and his very well organised Team of Beaters, house staff, game keepers, etc. a perfect back to back days. Booked again for next season.

10.0 of 10

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